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East of the Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming

Golden Eagle Eaglet in Nest, Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming (Golden Eagles)

Red-eyed Vireo Nestling, Janet Swanson Wildlife Hospital, Ithaca, NY (Red-eyed Vireos)

Long-billed Curlew in California (Curlews)

Evening Grosbeak Among Budding Maples (Grosbeaks)

Juvenile Baltimore Oriole, Caroline, NY (Orioles)

Avocets in Flight Formation (American Avocet)

Great Egret Blur, Ithaca Falls, New York (Great Egrets)

Fisher Side View, Camera Trap, Ithaca, NY (Fishers)

Raccoon Close, Camera Trap, Ithaca, NY (Raccoons)

Three Raccoons, Camera Trap, Ithaca, NY (Raccoon)

Fisher with Chipmunk, Camera Trap, Ithaca, NY (Fishers)

Love-In-A-Mist/Nigella (Nigella damascena)

Yellow-crowned Night Heron in Flight 2, Alafia Banks, Florida (Yellow-crowned Night Herons)

Yellow-crowned Night Heron, Alafia Banks, Florida (Yellow-crowned Night Herons)

Yellow-crowned Night Heron in Flight, Alafia Banks, Florida (Yellow-crowned Night Herons)

Northern Harrier Hunts in Charlo, Montana (Harriers)

Mayapples in Landscape, Ithaca, New York

American Pipit in Flight (Pipits)

Cedar Waxwing in Spring, Brooktondale, NY (Waxwings)