Lazuli Bunting, Mission Valley, Montana (Lazuli Buntings)

Short-eared Owl at Dusk, Mission Valley, Montana (Short-eared Owls)

Lewis’s Woodpecker at the Nest, Missoula Valley, Montana (Lewis’s Woodpeckers)

Hudsonian Godwit, Beluga, Alaska (Hudsonian Godwits)

Great Horned Owl fledgling, Mission Valley, Montana (Great Horned Owls)

Baltimore Oriole Flits from Flower to Flower, Ithaca, New York (Baltimore Orioles)

Evening Grosbeak Eating Maple Leaves, Brooktondale, New York (Evening Grosbeaks)

Indigo Bunting Puffed Up, Ithaca, NY (Indigo Buntings)

Red Fox Kit Looks Up, Ithaca. NY (Red Foxes)

A Vision in Orange, Baltimore Oriole, New York (Baltimore Orioles)